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Do You Know Your Madero?

The first thing to take into consideration is that all the players in the world have different qualities, be it speed, strength, reflexes, movement, hours of training, etc. There are many points that influence even the custom and knowledge of the players with their own equipment.

It is essential that when choosing your Equipment it is according to your abilities, for which you must know what your strengths and weaknesses are.

It is also essential that you know your style of play, you like to defend, perhaps attack or counterattack, play as close to the table as possible or at medium distance or you want to be further back because your strength is topspin blows loaded with a lot of effect.


When buying a wood you have to think that you are not the one who has to adapt to the wood, if not the opposite. The wood you use must be adapted to your needs, your rhythm and the training process you apply. You must think that the wood at the time of playing is an extension of your arm so you must know it and love it since it will be part of you.

I say this because there are people who buy logs because they are supposed to be the most top in the market and the players do not adapt and end up discarding them perhaps weeks after they have bought them, without considering that there is a really necessary adaptation process, the times and hours of training with the implementation, if they are fundamental and the rubbers used must

necessarily be commensurate with your abilities and the wood itself.


Here we will give some Tips so that you can understand what can best accommodate you for choosing your Madero.


Before we start, let's start with the First, choosing your Wood well will go hand in hand with the strategy you use to play your games in a good way. The type of strategy you use will determine the characteristics of the wood in terms of speed, control, spin and weight of the wood.


According to these categories, our Alobe team performs vibro-acoustic frequency measurements with measurement tools that, according to values, determine what classification our timbers are in.

What does the weight distribution mean in table tennis clubs?

DEF or DEF +: for defensive players looking for control and regular attacks.

ALL (AllRound): for players of all levels who vary their shots both offensively and defensively.

OFF -: for variable offensive players.

OFF: special category and the most suitable in my opinion for players who like to attack near the table

OFF +: for offensive players looking for great speed, spin and technique.

GOMAS Medias o Intermedias:

After identifying which category we belong to, we can analyze what type of balance we can choose for our Madero, since the weight distribution will be an important point for the form of movement that we choose within the table.


Ideal para un juego variable entre ofensivo y defensivo, donde la mayor cualidad es generar efectos como Topspin, Sidespin entre otros, la dureza de la esponja oscila entre los 37,5 grados hacia los 41 grados, proporcionan un excelente control aunque algo menos de velocidad a comparación de las gomas medias y duras.



Son gomas con dureza de la esponja por debajo de los 37 grados con un control excepcional y una gran capacidad de generar efectos como Topspin y contra Topspin.

Ahora bien al entender lo mencionado en el punto anterior, debemos considerar que las esponjas también tienen distintos espesores, dependiendo de las estrategias de juego, y elegir el espesor adecuado es la combinación que llevara a cabo de mejor manera el estilo de tu juego.

Aquí te daremos algunos Tips, dependiendo de tu estrategia.


Classification of the Timber.

Estrategias OFF-, OFF y OFF +

Rigidity refers to the hardness of the wood, the amount of elasticity and flexion that the timbers have, the greater the stiffness, the more possibilities to generate control and speed but the lesser possibility of generating spin or turns.


The lower the stiffness, the greater the flexibility and wrapping power, which translates into a greater turn.


Greater Rigidity qualifies for flatter shots and greater flexibility for spin shots.


At this point it is important to mention that all the woods in the world have different densities (weight) and different hardness of the wood, in our case we use the Chaláis-Meudon scale that measures the hardness of the wood. In our Queries - Wood Types menu you can find the densities and hardness of the woods that we use in construction.


To consider is that the harder the wood is, the greater the capacity to generate speed.

A softer wood greater feel and control, but less speed.


       Se usan esponjas con espesores de 1,5 a 1,8 milímetros, ideal para un juego activo combinando con múltiples golpes controlados, ya sea con golpes de Bloqueo, de golpe cortado y distintos tipos de efecto y de topspin incluso golpes de ataque con velocidad moderada. En estas categorías se ven jugadores con gomas lisas y jugadores que usan poros cortos.

Estrategias DEF y DEF+

       Categoría enfocada al jugador defensivo que usa espesores de 0,5 a 1,5 milimetros incluso sin esponja, también llamada (OX). Y el enfoque es obtener golpes muy controlados, golpes de corte defensivos y con mucho efecto de retroceso tanto cerca y a media distancia de la mesa, ataques repentinos con muy buenos movimientos de muñeca. Se suelen usar gomas lisas y poros largos y poros medios.

1 Wood Layer

3 Layers of Wood

5 Layers that can be 5 of pure wood or 3 of wood + 2 of composite.

7 layers that can be 7 pure wood or 5 wood + 2 composite.

9 Layers that although they are scarce, they still exist even with more than 2 layers of compound.


What are the compounds or fibers used for in Table Tennis clubs?

The 1-Layer Timbers are usually from 5 mm upwards and made of Hinoki wood, which is one of the most desired in the world of table tennis.



There are 2 different techniques, one called INNER (Internal (a)) and the other OUTER (external (a)). Inner the plate closer to the core, will allow greater control and the ball remained on the wood, while Outer is based on generating more speed with less energy or force, maintaining good power.

Alobe mango types

There are quite a few types of handles and designs on the market, however at this point we will refer to the types that we manufacture.


It is important that you feel comfortable with the grip you choose, whether your style is that of a Classic grip player or a Pencil grip player, if you are learning to play table tennis, we recommend that you start with a Classic grip Since it will be easier for you to get used to learning strokes.

Taken ST is which handle is straight without curves, very manageable for players who like freedom of movement and the necessary ease on the wrist. Ideal to better work serve services.


Taken FL Concave with a long flared shape, to avoid slipping of the hand due to sudden turns or sweat. Among the benefits of this type of handle you feel with more grip to perform TopSpin, safety and assured power.


Taken China Pen (C-Pen) It would tend to think that the Chinese Pen player would play with only one side of the palette, however, players of this style have evolved over time and today use both sides of the paddle. pallette. Creating a backhand blow called a butterfly that is very difficult to perform, but at the same time very effective and fulminating.


Taken Japanese Pen (J-Pen) of the oldest and most popular styles of play of the 70s and 80s. Through the new times this style of play has been left behind due to the high physical demand that this style requires, without However, it is still one of the most beautiful styles of play that exist in table tennis.



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